
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

Why Does Your Dog Lick You?

Hi, happy pawrents! We all know that delightful, slobbery sensation of a smooch from dog. Do you ever wonder, as you’re wiping that sticky slobber off your face (or leg, or arm…), just why your dog is such an amorous kisser? Well, your pup’s tongue is just one of the many ways they have of communicating with us, picking up sensory info, and getting something they want. Let’s take a look at what they’re thinking! They learned it from Mom! A mother licks her newborn puppies for grooming and cleaning. This nurturing use of licking makes it one of the earliest behaviors introduced to your dog… and one with a very positive association. “My mommy licked me, so I lick you! It’s the ciiiiircle of liiiiiiife!” They learned it from their other Mom! If you’re like us, you kinda love it when your dog licks you. It’s a kiss from your fave! It’s totally understandable if you’ve rewarded your dog for licking you—with happy pets, and gleeful, sing-song words of encouragement....

The Paradise Land for Pawrents

Imagine a place where the sun shines year-round, the average annual temperature is 73°, and more than 900 dogs with breed names like “Chubby-Tailed German Dobernauzer” and “Fire-Tailed Border Cocker” roam free across the lush landscape. Sound like Heaven? Well believe it or not, it exists right here on earth! Territorio de Zaguates, or “Land of the Strays” is a privately funded, volunteer-run organization in Costa Rica. Every single dog at this unique shelter is available for adoption. Each is given a name as well as assigned their own personal “breed” based on their unique characteristics. At Territorio de Zaguates mutts are celebrated for their one-of-a-kind traits in an effort to dispel the myth that purebreds are somehow more valuable. Experts believe putting a positive spin on their mixed status helps these special dogs find homes. After a popular Costa Rican television show featured several artist renderings of Territorio de Zaguates’ “new breeds” the public res...

Dog Bathing Experience

Hello, Pawrents! There’s nothing quite like a freshly-bathed dog, though your pup probably has other things to say about it. If there’s one bath time no-no quite often, it’s that people scrub their dogs down with a squirt of their own shampoo. Our shampoos contain a lot of harsh chemicals designed to remove every last trace of dirt and oil, but they’re way too harsh to use on dogs. More often than not you’re left with a clean, albeit dry & itchy pup; dog shampoo exists for a reason—because it’s gentle enough to prevent those negative side effects.  Here are some suggestions to help make your bathing experience a success.  Talk to your pet while bathing; this can be reassuring and comforting. Be patient while bathing and reward them when you are done. Make sure to have all your supplies ready before the bathing begins. Start bathing your pets when they are young so they get used to the home grooming routine. If your pet doesn’t care fo...

The Winners of #HappyPawrentsAttention

Hari ini pengumuman pemenang best photo dan best caption untuk giveaway #HappyPawrentsAttention di instagram @highend_petcenter telah keluar. Dua orang pemenang untuk best photo, yaitu @leicathegolden dan @gregoriusfilbert memperlihatkan kedua anjing mereka yang menggemaskan. Pemenang best caption, @thelittledestroyer membuat caption yang sangat menarik dan menyentuh. Dengan pilihan foto yang memperlihatkan kebersamaan mereka, @thelittledestroyer dapat menunjukkan betapa kompaknya Paw dan Pawrents. Selamat untuk para pemenang yang mendapatkan Smart Bones dari Highend Petcenter. Semoga setiap Pawrents semakin dekat dan harmonis dengan Paws kalian! #HappyPawrentsAttention.

Anjing Mengungkapkan Perasaannya Melalui Cara Ini

Ternyata anjing dan kucing kesayangan kita selama ini mengungkapkan perasaannya dengan gerakan ekor mereka. Anjing dan kucing menggerakan ekor mereka bukan hanya pada waktu senang. Arti goyangan ekor berbeda, bergantung pada arah goyangan ekor mereka. Peneliti Rusia mengungkapkan bahwa ketika senang, anjing cenderung menggoyangkan ekornya ke arah kanan. Sementara jikagoyangan ekor ke arah kiri, tandanya mereka sedang melihat sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan seperti anjing lain yang lebih dominan. Lihat selengkapnya mengenai arti goyangan ekor anjing dan kucing di sini. ( )

Anjing Dapat Makan Buah-Buahan dan Sayuran

Gambaran anjing sebagai hewan karnivora disebabkan oleh karena anjing sangat suka makan daging. Namun, tahukah kamu bahwa sebenarnya anjing suka buah – buahan dan sayuran mentah? Sayuran dan buah – buahan ini menjadi snack untuk mereka. Dengan maka buah – buahan dan sayuran dapat membuat tubuh, kulit, dan bulu mereka menjadi lebih sehat. Tesktur dari sayur membuat gigi mereka menjadi putih dibandingkan jika hanya mengkonsumsi daging. Namun, ada beberapa sayuran dan buah yang dapat menjadi racun bagi anjing, seperti bawang dan kismis. Sayangi dan perhatikan makanan yang dikonsumsi anjing kamu supaya selalu sehat dan aktif.

Ketahui Fakta Unik tentang Anjing dan Kembang Api

Halo, Happy Pawrents. Tidak terasa sudah memasuki tahun baru 2018. Namun kali ini, Highend ingin sedikit membahas mengenai fenomena unik sekaligus sebagai pengingat bagi para pemilik anjing dalam menghadapi event tahun baru di masa mendatang. Bagi sebagian orang,  tahun baru  adalah hal yang patut dirayakan dengan menyalakan kembang api. Tapi, hal ini tidak berlaku bagi hewan peliharaan seperti  anjing . Sebagian besar anjing rupanya takut dan gelisah saat mendengar kembang api. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik, hal itu justru bisa membuat anjing menjadi stres. Dulu, mungkin ada nasihat bahwa pemilik anjing tidak perlu khawatir dengan anjing yang gelisah. Hal ini agar membuat anjing tidak terlalu bergantung pada manusia. Pendapat itu kini telah dipatahkan oleh para ahli. Mereka kini percaya bahwa hal itu sama sekali tidak bekerja. Mereka lebih menyarankan agar pemilik anjing harus lebih memperhatikan anjing saat mereka gelisah agar terhindar dari stres....

Top 3 Dogfood that Dogs Like

#Top1: Orijen Designed to match your puppy's natural diet, Orijen Puppy Grain-Free Dry Dog Food replicates the healthy and diverse balance of proteins like free-run chicken and turkey, whole eggs and wild-caught fish along with fruits and vegetables to fully support a puppy's rapid growth and development. These trusted ingredients are all sustainably farmed or fished regionally and arrive fresh or raw each day, so they're free of preservatives and brimming with the proteins and fats puppies need. Orijen nourishes medium-size and small breed puppies according to their evolutionary and biological needs with 38% protein and only 20% low-glycemic carbohydrates. Key Benefits 1. Replicates the healthy and diverse balance of proteins like free-run chicken and turkey, whole eggs and wild-caught fish along with fruits and vegetables to fully support a puppy's rapid growth and development 2. Loaded with protein-packed fish (80%) to support lean muscle mass and ...

Next Step in Dogs Training

In humans, aging hastens declines in short-term memory and logical reasoning skills, making it more difficult to learn new tasks. Previous research has found similar declines in dogs, but long-term memory is a little-known aspect of dog biology. (See " Many Animals—Including Your Dog—May Have Horrible Short-Term Memories .") That's why Wallis and colleagues are studying how dogs both young and old memorize tasks, and whether the animals can remember them months later. The results are still in the works, but Wallis expects to discover that it's tough—but not impossible—to teach old dogs new tricks. This is how: 1. Get some treats that your dog likes.  Take small pieces so that you can give it one for each thing it does without worrying about your dog getting fat.Some dogs, especially Labradors and Beagles, are extremely food orientated, and so you can set aside a portion of their daily kibble into a treat pouch, and use this to reward them. 2. Choose...